Court Transcript eFiling Please select the class of court:* State Superior Juvenile Please choose from the list of participating Superior Courts:*AtkinsonBakerBaldwinBanksBarrowBen HillBerrienBleckleyBrooksBryanBurkeButtsCalhounCandlerCatoosaChattoogaCharltonClarkeClinchColquittCookCowetaCrawfordCrispDadeDecaturDodgeDoolyEarlyEcholsElbertEmanuelEvansFanninFayetteFranklinGilmerGlascockGradyGreeneHabershamHancockHarrisHartHeardHoustonIrwinJasperJeffersonJenkinsJonesLamarLanierLaurensLeeLibertyLincolnLongLowndesMaconMadisonMarionMcDuffieMcIntoshMeriwetherMitchellMonroeMontgomeryMorganMurrayMuscogeeOglethorpePauldingPeachPickensPikePolkPulaskiPutnamRabunRandolphRichmondSchleyScrevenStewartSumterTaliaferroTattnallTaylorTelfairTerrellThomasTiftToombsTreutlenTroupTurnerTwiggsUpsonUnionWalkerWarrenWilcoxWheelerWilkinsonWilkesWhitfieldWorthPlease choose from the list of participating State Courts:*BarrowBaldwinBrooksBryanBurkeCharltonClarkeColquittEarlyEmanuelFayetteGradyHabershamJenkinsLibertyPutnamRichmondSumterTattnallThomasTiftTreutlenTroupTurnerWalkerWorthPlease choose from the list of participating Juvenile Courts:*BryanBurkeCandlerCoffeeEmanuelJeffersonLibertyRichmondTattnallTiftToombsWashingtonWayneIf you are looking for a court that is not included in the list above, don't worry! More and more courts are adding awesome criminal case eFiling through PeachCourt! Visit to file your transcripts free of charge. Your Name* First Last Your Email Address* License Number* Judge's Name* Judge's Name*Whitfield County Superior Court JudgesPlease select a judgeBlaylockBoyettBlevinsMinterMorrisPartainSalmonWilbanksWoodwardPostonSmithJudge's Name*Bartow County Superior Court JudgesPlease select a judgeRosemary M GreeneShepherd L HowellG Carey NelsonDavid K SmithD Scott SmithSuzanne H SmithJeffrey WatkinsJudge's Name*Griffin Judicial Circuit JudgesPlease select a judgeJudge CokerJudge BallardJudge MillerJudge SamsJudge KreuzigerOtherJudge's Name* Judge Assistant Email Number of Transcripts*12345678910 You can upload up to ten (10) separate transcripts at a time.Each transcript can be related to one or more cases.You can upload any number of volumes as PDFs for each transcript. Click "Next" below to upload the PDF(s) and enter the case information for each transcript. 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Transcript #1Please select the type of case:* Civil Criminal Case Number(s) and Style(s) - One case per line*Type the case number and case style for each case related to this transcript.Hearing Type*ArraignmentBench TrialBond HearingContinuanceDepositionFirst Offender Adjudication of GuiltGuilty Plea and Probation AdmissionGuilty Plea and Probation ModificationHabeas CorpusJury TrialMotion for New TrialMotion for Summary JudgmentMotion in LimineMotion to Modify SentenceMotion – OtherPlea – GuiltyPlea – OtherPreliminary HearingPre-trial Conference HearingProbation ModificationProbation PetitionProbation RevocationProbation Revocation and PleaRequest For ContinuanceSentencingSettlement AnnouncementStatus ConferenceTemporary Hearing (Divorce)TrialVoir DireOtherHearing Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Other* PDFs If the transcript consist of more than one volume, you can upload multiple PDFs at the same time.Upload one or more PDFs for this transcript. Media files will also be added here. Accepted formats are, .pdf .wma, .mov, or .avi* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, wma, mov, avi, Max. file size: 2 GB. Notifications OPTIONAL: If you would like to submit this transcript to additional parties, such as the prosecuting attorney, defense attorney(s) or defendant(s), include each email address below.Additional Recipient 1 Additional Recipient 2 Additional Recipient 3 Additional Recipient 4 Additional Recipient 5 Additional Recipient 6 Additional Recipient 7 Additional Recipient 8 Additional Recipient 9 Additional Recipient 10 Before you click "NEXT" make sure all of your PDFs have uploaded (100%). If you have already completed all pages, then you can go to the summary page. Transcript #2Please select the type of case:* Civil Criminal Case Number(s) and Style(s) - One case per line*Type the case number and case style for each case related to this transcript.Hearing Type*ArraignmentBench TrialBond HearingContinuanceDepositionFirst Offender Adjudication of GuiltGuilty Plea and Probation AdmissionGuilty Plea and Probation ModificationHabeas CorpusJury TrialMotion for New TrialMotion for Summary JudgmentMotion in LimineMotion to Modify SentenceMotion – OtherPlea – GuiltyPlea – OtherPreliminary HearingPre-trial Conference HearingProbation ModificationProbation PetitionProbation RevocationProbation Revocation and PleaRequest For ContinuanceSentencingSettlement AnnouncementStatus ConferenceTemporary Hearing (Divorce)TrialVoir DireOtherHearing Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Other* PDFs If the transcript consist of more than one volume, you can upload multiple PDFs at the same time.Upload one or more PDFs for this transcript.* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, wma, mov, avi, Max. file size: 2 GB. Notifications OPTIONAL: If you would like to submit this transcript to additional parties, such as the prosecuting attorney, defense attorney(s) or defendant(s), include each email address below.Additional Recipient 1 Additional Recipient 2 Additional Recipient 3 Additional Recipient 4 Additional Recipient 5 Additional Recipient 6 Additional Recipient 7 Additional Recipient 8 Additional Recipient 9 Additional Recipient 10 Before you click "NEXT" make sure all of your PDFs have uploaded (100%). If you have already completed all pages, then you can go to the summary page. Transcript #3Please select the type of case:* Civil Criminal Case Number(s) and Style(s) - One case per line*Type the case number and case style for each case related to this transcript.Hearing Type*ArraignmentBench TrialBond HearingContinuanceDepositionFirst Offender Adjudication of GuiltGuilty Plea and Probation AdmissionGuilty Plea and Probation ModificationHabeas CorpusJury TrialMotion for New TrialMotion for Summary JudgmentMotion in LimineMotion to Modify SentenceMotion – OtherPlea – GuiltyPlea – OtherPreliminary HearingPre-trial Conference HearingProbation ModificationProbation PetitionProbation RevocationProbation Revocation and PleaRequest For ContinuanceSentencingSettlement AnnouncementStatus ConferenceTemporary Hearing (Divorce)TrialOtherHearing Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Other* PDFs If the transcript consist of more than one volume, you can upload multiple PDFs at the same time.Upload one or more PDFs for this transcript.* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, wma, mov, avi, Max. file size: 2 GB. Notifications OPTIONAL: If you would like to submit this transcript to additional parties, such as the prosecuting attorney, defense attorney(s) or defendant(s), include each email address below.Additional Recipient 1 Additional Recipient 3 Additional Recipient 4 Additional Recipient 2 Additional Recipient 5 Additional Recipient 6 Additional Recipient 7 Additional Recipient 8 Additional Recipient 9 Additional Recipient 10 Before you click "NEXT" make sure all of your PDFs have uploaded (100%). If you have already completed all pages, then you can go to the summary page. Transcript #4Please select the type of case:* Civil Criminal Case Number(s) and Style(s) - One case per line*Type the case number and case style for each case related to this transcript.Hearing Type*ArraignmentBench TrialBond HearingContinuanceDepositionFirst Offender Adjudication of GuiltGuilty Plea and Probation AdmissionGuilty Plea and Probation ModificationHabeas CorpusJury TrialMotion for New TrialMotion for Summary JudgmentMotion in LimineMotion to Modify SentenceMotion – OtherPlea – GuiltyPlea – OtherPreliminary HearingPre-trial Conference HearingProbation ModificationProbation PetitionProbation RevocationProbation Revocation and PleaRequest For ContinuanceSentencingSettlement AnnouncementStatus ConferenceTemporary Hearing (Divorce)TrialOtherHearing Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Other* PDFs If the transcript consist of more than one volume, you can upload multiple PDFs at the same time.Upload one or more PDFs for this transcript.* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, wma, mov, avi, Max. file size: 2 GB. Notifications OPTIONAL: If you would like to submit this transcript to additional parties, such as the prosecuting attorney, defense attorney(s) or defendant(s), include each email address below.Additional Recipient 1 Additional Recipient 2 Additional Recipient 3 Additional Recipient 4 Additional Recipient 5 Additional Recipient 6 Additional Recipient 7 Additional Recipient 8 Additional Recipient 9 Additional Recipient 10 Before you click "NEXT" make sure all of your PDFs have uploaded (100%). If you have already completed all pages, then you can go to the summary page. Transcript #5Please select the type of case:* Civil Criminal Case Number(s) and Style(s) - One case per line*Type the case number and case style for each case related to this transcript.Hearing Type*ArraignmentBench TrialBond HearingContinuanceDepositionFirst Offender Adjudication of GuiltGuilty Plea and Probation AdmissionGuilty Plea and Probation ModificationHabeas CorpusJury TrialMotion for New TrialMotion for Summary JudgmentMotion in LimineMotion to Modify SentenceMotion – OtherPlea – GuiltyPlea – OtherPreliminary HearingPre-trial Conference HearingProbation ModificationProbation PetitionProbation RevocationProbation Revocation and PleaRequest For ContinuanceSentencingSettlement AnnouncementStatus ConferenceTemporary Hearing (Divorce)TrialOtherHearing Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Other* PDFs If the transcript consist of more than one volume, you can upload multiple PDFs at the same time.Upload one or more PDFs for this transcript.* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, wma, mov, avi, Max. file size: 2 GB. Notifications OPTIONAL: If you would like to submit this transcript to additional parties, such as the prosecuting attorney, defense attorney(s) or defendant(s), include each email address below.Additional Recipient 1 Additional Recipient 2 Additional Recipient 3 Additional Recipient 4 Additional Recipient 5 Additional Recipient 6 Additional Recipient 7 Additional Recipient 8 Additional Recipient 9 Additional Recipient 10 Before you click "NEXT" make sure all of your PDFs have uploaded (100%). If you have already completed all pages, then you can go to the summary page. Transcript #6Please select the type of case:* Civil Criminal Case Number(s) and Style(s) - One case per line*Type the case number and case style for each case related to this transcript.Hearing Type*ArraignmentBench TrialBond HearingContinuanceDepositionFirst Offender Adjudication of GuiltGuilty Plea and Probation AdmissionGuilty Plea and Probation ModificationHabeas CorpusJury TrialMotion for New TrialMotion for Summary JudgmentMotion in LimineMotion to Modify SentenceMotion – OtherPlea – GuiltyPlea – OtherPreliminary HearingPre-trial Conference HearingProbation ModificationProbation PetitionProbation RevocationProbation Revocation and PleaRequest For ContinuanceSentencingSettlement AnnouncementStatus ConferenceTemporary Hearing (Divorce)TrialOtherHearing Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Other* PDFs If the transcript consist of more than one volume, you can upload multiple PDFs at the same time.Upload one or more PDFs for this transcript.* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, wma, mov, avi, Max. file size: 2 GB. Notifications OPTIONAL: If you would like to submit this transcript to additional parties, such as the prosecuting attorney, defense attorney(s) or defendant(s), include each email address below.Additional Recipient 1 Additional Recipient 2 Additional Recipient 3 Additional Recipient 4 Additional Recipient 5 Additional Recipient 6 Additional Recipient 7 Additional Recipient 8 Additional Recipient 9 Additional Recipient 10 Before you click "NEXT" make sure all of your PDFs have uploaded (100%). If you have already completed all pages, then you can go to the summary page. Transcript #7Please select the type of case:* Civil Criminal Case Number(s) and Style(s) - One case per line*Type the case number and case style for each case related to this transcript.Hearing Type*ArraignmentBench TrialBond HearingContinuanceDepositionFirst Offender Adjudication of GuiltGuilty Plea and Probation AdmissionGuilty Plea and Probation ModificationHabeas CorpusJury TrialMotion for New TrialMotion for Summary JudgmentMotion in LimineMotion to Modify SentenceMotion – OtherPlea – GuiltyPlea – OtherPreliminary HearingPre-trial Conference HearingProbation ModificationProbation PetitionProbation RevocationProbation Revocation and PleaRequest For ContinuanceSentencingSettlement AnnouncementStatus ConferenceTemporary Hearing (Divorce)TrialOtherHearing Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Other* PDFs If the transcript consist of more than one volume, you can upload multiple PDFs at the same time.Upload one or more PDFs for this transcript.* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, wma, mov, avi, Max. file size: 2 GB. Notifications OPTIONAL: If you would like to submit this transcript to additional parties, such as the prosecuting attorney, defense attorney(s) or defendant(s), include each email address below.Additional Recipient 1 Additional Recipient 2 Additional Recipient 3 Additional Recipient 4 Additional Recipient 5 Additional Recipient 6 Additional Recipient 7 Additional Recipient 8 Additional Recipient 9 Additional Recipient 10 Before you click "NEXT" make sure all of your PDFs have uploaded (100%). If you have already completed all pages, then you can go to the summary page. Transcript #8Please select the type of case:* Civil Criminal Case Number(s) and Style(s) - One case per line*Type the case number and case style for each case related to this transcript.Hearing Type*ArraignmentBench TrialBond HearingContinuanceDepositionFirst Offender Adjudication of GuiltGuilty Plea and Probation AdmissionGuilty Plea and Probation ModificationHabeas CorpusJury TrialMotion for New TrialMotion for Summary JudgmentMotion in LimineMotion to Modify SentenceMotion – OtherPlea – GuiltyPlea – OtherPreliminary HearingPre-trial Conference HearingProbation ModificationProbation PetitionProbation RevocationProbation Revocation and PleaRequest For ContinuanceSentencingSettlement AnnouncementStatus ConferenceTemporary Hearing (Divorce)TrialOtherHearing Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Other* PDFs If the transcript consist of more than one volume, you can upload multiple PDFs at the same time.Upload one or more PDFs for this transcript.* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, wma, mov, avi, Max. file size: 2 GB. Notifications OPTIONAL: If you would like to submit this transcript to additional parties, such as the prosecuting attorney, defense attorney(s) or defendant(s), include each email address below.Additional Recipient 1 Additional Recipient 2 Additional Recipient 3 Additional Recipient 4 Additional Recipient 5 Additional Recipient 6 Additional Recipient 7 Additional Recipient 8 Additional Recipient 9 Additional Recipient 10 Before you click "NEXT" make sure all of your PDFs have uploaded (100%). If you have already completed all pages, then you can go to the summary page. Transcript #9Please select the type of case:* Civil Criminal Case Number(s) and Style(s) - One case per line*Type the case number and case style for each case related to this transcript.Hearing Type*ArraignmentBench TrialBond HearingContinuanceDepositionFirst Offender Adjudication of GuiltGuilty Plea and Probation AdmissionGuilty Plea and Probation ModificationHabeas CorpusJury TrialMotion for New TrialMotion for Summary JudgmentMotion in LimineMotion to Modify SentenceMotion – OtherPlea – GuiltyPlea – OtherPreliminary HearingPre-trial Conference HearingProbation ModificationProbation PetitionProbation RevocationProbation Revocation and PleaRequest For ContinuanceSentencingSettlement AnnouncementStatus ConferenceTemporary Hearing (Divorce)TrialOtherHearing Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Other* PDFs If the transcript consist of more than one volume, you can upload multiple PDFs at the same time.Upload one or more PDFs for this transcript.* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, wma, mov, avi, Max. file size: 2 GB. Notifications OPTIONAL: If you would like to submit this transcript to additional parties, such as the prosecuting attorney, defense attorney(s) or defendant(s), include each email address below.Additional Recipient 1 Additional Recipient 2 Additional Recipient 3 Additional Recipient 4 Additional Recipient 5 Additional Recipient 6 Additional Recipient 7 Additional Recipient 8 Additional Recipient 9 Additional Recipient 10 Before you click "NEXT" make sure all of your PDFs have uploaded (100%). If you have already completed all pages, then you can go to the summary page. Transcript #10Please select the type of case:* Civil Criminal Case Number(s) and Style(s) - One case per line*Type the case number and case style for each case related to this transcript.Hearing Type*ArraignmentBench TrialBond HearingContinuanceDepositionFirst Offender Adjudication of GuiltGuilty Plea and Probation AdmissionGuilty Plea and Probation ModificationHabeas CorpusJury TrialMotion for New TrialMotion for Summary JudgmentMotion in LimineMotion to Modify SentenceMotion – OtherPlea – GuiltyPlea – OtherPreliminary HearingPre-trial Conference HearingProbation ModificationProbation PetitionProbation RevocationProbation Revocation and PleaRequest For ContinuanceSentencingSettlement AnnouncementStatus ConferenceTemporary Hearing (Divorce)TrialOtherHearing Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Other* PDFs If the transcript consist of more than one volume, you can upload multiple PDFs at the same time.Upload one or more PDFs for this transcript.* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, wma, mov, avi, Max. file size: 2 GB. Notifications OPTIONAL: If you would like to submit this transcript to additional parties, such as the prosecuting attorney, defense attorney(s) or defendant(s), include each email address below.Additional Recipient 1 Additional Recipient 2 Additional Recipient 3 Additional Recipient 4 Additional Recipient 5 Additional Recipient 6 Additional Recipient 7 Additional Recipient 8 Additional Recipient 9 Additional Recipient 10 Before you click "NEXT" make sure all of your PDFs have uploaded (100%). If you have already completed all pages, then you can go to the summary page. Summary of Your Transcript The following information is ready to be submitted. Please review this information carefully before you submit. Court: {Superior Court Counties:8}{State Court Counties:16}{Juvenile Court Counties:405} County {Please select the class of court::17} Court Judge: {Judge\'s Name:18}{Whitfield Judge:401} Name: {Your Name (First):14.3} {Your Name (Last):14.6} License #: {License Number:330} All of the transcripts will be sent to these email addresses: {Global Address 1:379} {Global Address 2:381} {Global Address 3:380} {Global Address 4:382} {Global Email 5:22} {Global Address 6:384} Transcript 1 - Edit This Judge {Judge\'s Name:18} - {Hearing Type 1:189} {Other 1:190} on {Hearing Date:47} {Case Style 1:335} {Upload PDF:45} Transcript 1 will be sent to the following recipients: {Additional Recipient 1:77} {Additional Recipient 2:81} {Additional Recipient 3:80} {Additional Recipient 4:79} {Additional Recipient 5:78} {Additional Recipient 6:82} {Additional Recipient 7:83} {Additional Recipient 8:84} {Additional Recipient 9:85} {Additional Recipient 10:86} Transcript 2 - Edit This Judge {Judge\'s Name:18} - {Hearing Type 2:191} {Other 2:192} on {Hearing Date:31} {Case Style 2:347} {Upload PDF:188} Transcript 2 will be sent to the following recipients: {Additional Recipient 1:97} {Additional Recipient 2:98} {Additional Recipient 3:99} {Additional Recipient 4:100} {Additional Recipient 5:101} {Additional Recipient 6:102} {Additional Recipient 7:103} {Additional Recipient 8:104} {Additional Recipient 9:105} {Additional Recipient 10:106} Transcript 3 - Edit This Judge {Judge\'s Name:18} - {Hearing Type 3:193} {Other 3:194} on {Hearing Date:46} {Case Style 3:350} {Upload PDF:44} Transcript 3 will be sent to the following recipients: {Additional Recipient 1:107} {Additional Recipient 2:117} {Additional Recipient 3:116} {Additional Recipient 4:115} {Additional Recipient 5:114} {Additional Recipient 6:113} {Additional Recipient 7:112} {Additional Recipient 8:111} {Additional Recipient 9:110} {Additional Recipient 10:109} Transcript 4 - Edit This Judge {Judge\'s Name:18} - {Hearing Type 4:195} {Other 4:196} on {Hearing Date:41} {Case Style 4:353} {Upload PDF:40} Transcript 4 will be sent to the following recipients: {Additional Recipient 1:108} {Additional Recipient 2:127} {Additional Recipient 3:126} {Additional Recipient 4:125} {Additional Recipient 5:124} {Additional Recipient 6:123} {Additional Recipient 7:122} {Additional Recipient 8:121} {Additional Recipient 9:120} {Additional Recipient 10:119} Transcript 5 - Edit This Judge {Judge\'s Name:18} - {Hearing Type 5:197} {Other 5:198} on {Hearing Date:37} {Case Style 5:357} {Upload PDF:36} Transcript 5 will be sent to the following recipients: {Additional Recipient 1:118} {Additional Recipient 2:137} {Additional Recipient 3:136} {Additional Recipient 4:135} {Additional Recipient 5:134} {Additional Recipient 6:133} {Additional Recipient 7:132} {Additional Recipient 8:131} {Additional Recipient 9:130} {Additional Recipient 10:129} Transcript 6 - Edit This Judge {Judge\'s Name:18} - {Hearing Type 6:199} {Other 6:200} on {Hearing Date:33} {Case Style 6:361} {Upload PDF:28} Transcript 6 will be sent to the following recipients: {Additional Recipient 1:128} {Additional Recipient 2:147} {Additional Recipient 3:146} {Additional Recipient 4:145} {Additional Recipient 5:144} {Additional Recipient 6:143} {Additional Recipient 7:142} {Additional Recipient 8:141} {Additional Recipient 9:140} {Additional Recipient 10:139} Transcript 7 - Edit This Judge {Judge\'s Name:18} - {Hearing Type 7:201} {Other 7:202} on {Hearing Date:32} {Case Style 7:364} {Upload PDF:29} Transcript 7 will be sent to the following recipients: {Additional Recipient 1:138} {Additional Recipient 2:157} {Additional Recipient 3:156} {Additional Recipient 4:155} {Additional Recipient 5:154} {Additional Recipient 6:153} {Additional Recipient 7:152} {Additional Recipient 8:151} {Additional Recipient 9:150} {Additional Recipient 10:149} Transcript 8 - Edit This Judge {Judge\'s Name:18} - {Hearing Type 8:203} {Other 8:204} on {Hearing Date:54} {Case Style 8:369} {Upload PDF:53} Transcript 8 will be sent to the following recipients: {Additional Recipient 1:148} {Additional Recipient 2:167} {Additional Recipient 3:166} {Additional Recipient 4:165} {Additional Recipient 5:174} {Additional Recipient 6:163} {Additional Recipient 7:172} {Additional Recipient 8:161} {Additional Recipient 9:160} {Additional Recipient 10:159} Transcript 9 - Edit This Judge {Judge\'s Name:18} - {Hearing Type 9:205} {Other 9:206} on {Hearing Date:68} {Case Style 9:374} {Upload PDF:66} Transcript 9 will be sent to the following recipients: {Additional Recipient 1:158} {Additional Recipient 2:177} {Additional Recipient 3:176} {Additional Recipient 4:175} {Additional Recipient 5:174} {Additional Recipient 6:173} {Additional Recipient 7:172} {Additional Recipient 8:171} {Additional Recipient 9:170} {Additional Recipient 10:169} Transcript 10 - Edit This Judge {Judge\'s Name:18} - {Hearing Type 10:207} {Other 10:208} on {Hearing Date:73} {Case Style 10:377} {Upload PDF:72} Transcript 10 will be sent to the following recipients: {Additional Recipient 1:168} {Additional Recipient 2:187} {Additional Recipient 3:186} {Additional Recipient 4:185} {Additional Recipient 5:184} {Additional Recipient 6:183} {Additional Recipient 7:182} {Additional Recipient 8:181} {Additional Recipient 9:180} {Additional Recipient 10:179} Comment to ClerkProvide a message to be included with your submission to the clerk.Augusta Judicial Circuit Protocol*The Augusta Judicial Circuit has an established protocol that defines whether or not a court transcript shall be produced and filed as part of the AJC court reporter's defined duties. 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